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AppSoftPro AV© Inventory section allows the user access to the following items:

  • Inventory
  • Inventory Kits
  • Stock Rooms
  • SLC Log
  • Below Minimum
  • Inventory Eval
InventoryThe inventory section allows the user to add part numbers to the system as well as add and view stock items.
Inventory KitsThis section allows the user to create parts kit by assigning stock (internal stock numbers) to a kit name that they designate.
Stock RoomsThis section allows the user to create stockrooms and add locations in that stockroom to the system that can be later used to assign stock items to.
SLC LogThis log is for Shelf-Life control items, and the user can search for specific SLC items and view those items.
Scrap LogThe scrap log is a report that shows all items, either inventory or from work orders, that have been listed as scrapped.
Below MinimumIn the inventory section you can set the below minimum requirements for the specific inventory item. This is a report of all inventory items that have dropped to being equal or below that minimum requirement.
Inventory EvalThis report shows all inventory that has stock, with the minimum quantity required for that item.